At home in Heritage: Audiovisual material

In the context of Heritage Day 2024, FARO created an audiovisual collection around the annual theme at Home at The Archives for Education. In six parts we look at how a feeling of home is shaped: in the neighborhood, in language and in different forms of society. We also include the perspective of those who are looking for a new home and we investigate how 'home' evolved throughout history and how we can shape home in the future. In all these parts you will find concrete teaching tips, often with references to educational material from (heritage) partners or material from KlasCement.

What makes you feel at home somewhere? Is that a place where family stories are created around a dining table full of goodies? Where friends meet? Or do you feel at home when your neighborhood, village or city organizes parties or annual fairs? What objects, customs and traditions make a place feel like home? Maybe you are a traveler type and can feel at home anywhere? Conversely, there are also people who are always looking for a new place to ground themselves. Because what if you miss that feeling of home? How can you talk about those feelings of homesickness and displacement? What perspective on 'home' do people with a migration history provide? It soon becomes clear: 'home' is full of contradictions. Because where there is connection, there is also exclusion.

With this collection, FARO provides suggestions for talking and working with students on this theme through heritage. By making this a topic of discussion, you can enter into dialogue with students about their feelings about home and hopefully the school will also become/even more of a place where they feel at home. With the teaching tips that accompany the fragments, you can work on many key competencies such as citizenship and historical, cultural and spatial awareness. You can also focus heavily on skills such as source research, but also speaking and listening skills.

This collection was created by FARO, the Flemish support center for the cultural heritage sector, in the context of Heritage Day.

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